10 Results found for "pursue oneself".


get revenge on someone, to pursue someone Synonyms: ирдээ (irdee, “to seek out, to pursue”), ситис (sitis, “to avenge oneself”) Antonym: өһүл (öhül, “to...


for one's own benefit, to strive for gains for oneself Onlar öz məqsədlərini güdürlər. They are pursuing their own goals. to graze (to tend cattle while...


of one man upon the self-regard of another. It arises from the right to pursue a man's own interest, subject only to the limitation of not obstructing...


become in its advanced state their most agreeable amusements, and they pursue for pleasure what they once followed from necessity. In the advanced state...


with viam or iter) to enter or embark on, pursue (a way, path or journey) (with dative) to follow, pursue, press on (intransitive) to halt, pause, stop...


to, to confide in զհետ կրթել ― zhet krtʻel ― to run or follow after, to pursue, to persecute յապուշ կրթել ― yapuš krtʻel ― to be surprised, astonished...


should equip us with a vessel in which to pursue the journey which you interrupted 1916, “Indicator Tells Pursuing Police Speed of Automobile”, in Popular...


suffer, endure to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist to be connected with to fall to the lot of to be together...


to apply (takes a reflexive pronoun) to commit (to); to dedicate oneself to (to pursue a course of action with great effort) to save (to store for future...


reach Italy: This is my desire; there, my homeland.” (figuratively) to pursue with zeal, take hold of any thing, take upon one’s self, take charge of...